Recap: Our Impact on the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grants Program
Recap: Our Impact on the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grants Program
Recap: Our Impact on the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grants Program

Recap: Our Impact on the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grants Program

Nneoma Kanu

Nneoma Kanu

Aug 15, 2024


As the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grants Program (UAGP) draws to a close, we at StableLab are taking a moment to reflect on our involvement in supporting this initiative. The UAGP was launched in November 2023 as an experiment in cross-ecosystem funding, aiming to catalyze growth and innovation at the intersection of Uniswap and Arbitrum. Over the past nine months, we have witnessed firsthand the incredible impact of these grants on both ecosystems, and we're proud of the role we've played in this journey.

Our Adventure in Cross-Ecosystem Grants

From its inception, the UAGP set out with clear objectives: to foster user and usage growth, drive volume and TVL growth, and support new protocol integrations. Our mission was to enhance the synergy between Uniswap and Arbitrum by funding projects that add tangible value to both ecosystems.

Throughout the program, we received over 140 applications across five distinct RFP categories, funded 12 diverse projects, and extended our runway to support even more initiatives. From infrastructure projects like Valence and ephema to user-focused platforms such as Layer3 and Oku Trade, the results speak for themselves. This effort not only highlighted the enthusiasm within the community but also demonstrated the value of well-structured grant programs in driving long-term, impactful outcomes.

Highlights and Achievements

Some key highlights from the UAGP include:

  • Broad Reach: We reviewed more than 140 applications and funded 12 diverse projects.

  • Meaningful Impact: Projects like Angle Protocol are integrating with 70 other protocols, while Layer3 has engaged over 18,000 users and driven substantial transaction volumes.

  • Community Engagement: Regular AMAs, community calls, and participation in conferences helped us stay connected with the ecosystem and fine-tune the program.

What We’ve Learned

Running a cross-ecosystem grant program has been a learning experience. Here are a few takeaways:

  • Importance of Feedback: Continuous dialogue with stakeholders was crucial in adapting and improving the program.

  • Long-Term Vision: Many of our funded projects are laying the groundwork for future innovations, which means their impact will be more visible in the long run.

Looking ahead, we're excited to explore new ways to support the Uniswap ecosystem. We’re taking everything we’ve learned from the UAGP to design a future grant program that will continue to drive growth and innovation.

Dive Deeper

For a deeper look into the UAGP’s journey, including detailed metrics, grantee outcomes, and financial insights, check out the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) Review Report. It’s a comprehensive overview of our achievements, learnings, and what’s next.

A Heartfelt Thanks

We want to extend a big thank you to everyone who made the UAGP a success— The stewarding team at Areta, our dedicated committee members, the innovative grantees, and the community for your ongoing support and feedback. Your contributions have been invaluable and have set the stage for future endeavors in the Uniswap ecosystem.

As we wrap up this chapter, we’re excited about what’s next and look forward to continuing our journey together.

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